What:Uni Sushi. Like my mammary glands, the sushi here at UOA is small, but perfectly formed.
Accompanied by miso soup (made from the powder unfortu, but still retains the 'im drinking something hot and exotic' factor for all you anglos)
I thought I would give everyone a run down of the less visited areas of Uni sushidom, becaues really, what the hell does that pumpkin one taste like?
...actually it tastes pretty damn good. Erase your eurocentric notions of this vegetable, because this is the pumpking of the 21st Century. Kinda tastes like some sort of pickled vegetable, except 10000 times better. Challenge your bland tastebuds people.

On a related note, the cream cheese is also surprisingly delicious. Combination of cheese and pineapple traditionally belongs on some fastfood item beginning with 'Hawaiian...' but wrapped up in seaweed is just as good.
Lastly, this is not for the faint hearted or those that don't like fish (they're in the sea, they can breathe in water, what's not to like) try the eel sushi. If you're skint do the $1 ones, otherwise splurge on the $2 big pieces. Salty, teriyaki goodness.
Outta10: defo a 8.5, can end up a little more expensive than some other options but filling and uh...healthy.
Tip: if you're getting more than 6 pieces, ask for extra soy. You won't regret it when your companion runs out and is forced to consume soy-less, and therefore soul-less sushi.
P.s. Gran Torino is damn good. "What are you going to put your tools in, a rice bag?" Never has blatant racist comments sounded so charming. Clint Eastwood is a Grandpa who likes to kiss you on the cheek, but also wouldn't mind shooting you in the face.