Friday, January 28, 2011


'The happiest little festival on Earth', Parachute 2011 could also be called 'The most expensive little entrepreneurial joint in the North Island'.

I understand that big events attract businesses, but c'mon. $4.50 for a V slushie that was all in all just a V? i.e. no icy consistency. Also, it is offensive when people try and sell $1 bracelets that look like they were made by blind monkeys. (That statement is in no way a dig at blind monkeys.)

Visiting a pro-life stand, also got to hold a fetus in my hand. They made the skin of the doll feel like real skin. The stand worked, in that I never want to touch a child again let alone conceive one.

Here I am going on about the bad was actually alright, considering I got a free ticket courtesy of a friend. (not sure about that term, but foreign guys are so confusing)

Today is weird, I feel strangely emotional. PMS? I think sooooooo. Also I realised after leaving the house that in the nicest way, I kind of look like a lesbian.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

American Idol


I don't care what people say, I believe in dreams come true when I watch this show.

And its hilarious


I fell over today in the worst possible context.




In front of some of the best dancers in the world.

I wanted to die.

But I'm still


p.s. my friends are cruel

Friday, January 14, 2011

Following on from Exit through the gift shop

Exit through the giftshop - awesome movie. My opinion was the whole thing was a hoax by Banksy to see how far he could take 'art'. Get somebody random, endorse them, give them people to rip off and see what happens. What do you think dear reader?

Anyways, the movie mentioned Shepard Fairey got into a bit of a legal scuffle over the use of Obama image. It's been settled.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hmmm what do we think single ladies?

Is there such thing as textbook flirting? Or are we just fooling ourselves with yet more literature on how to live life?

I can imagine myself pouring over flirting books, seminars webpages etc, then realising I haven't done any ACTUAL FLIRTING.

Or maybe this is a Godsend. I've had my share of awkward turtle flirts

"hey...did you know that Lil'Wayne has so many tattoos that if he wants anymore tattoos he will have to replace some of his skin?"

"uhh...yea...." *walks, no sprints away*

That was probably a worse than average, but you get the picture.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Soo I have a new favourite person

Alber Elbaz

Insanely old-school cool ("I see internets every morning"), humble, genuine. Loves women, wants to make them feel comfortable with clothes.

Head designer of Lanvin, a true artist.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I am 22!

Best test of the day

"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear biiiittcchhhfaaacceee happy birthday to you. hip hop hooray youre getting old, have a good day"

Friday, January 7, 2011

Is this the future?

We see it in movies, and who else but Gaga could bring it to life?

I believe in a thing called love - lemar


And again, Woah.

I have totally neglected this blog for months, I have no excuses.

A new year and a new beginning indeed. Starting with my fave song of the week

What's new?

Love: am single, have been single for the longest time (around 4 weeks) since I was 15! That's 6 years of no singleness. I admit, I feel anchorless somehow, like I might float away without a boyfriend. How pathetic...

However to make up for it, seems like all my girlfriends have been extra supportive, feel nurtured emotionally by females, an interesting change.

One of my friends lent me eat pray love - is it scary or sad that I find so much in common with Elizabeth Gilbert, a 30 year old? I literally knew what she was going on about, and trust me, I am NOT a person in touch with their emotions normally (can't tell the difference between anxiety and infatuation, go figure)

Nights are hard - it's 2 in the morning and I can't sleep, or rather embark on the journey toward falling asleep. It's a long and hard road, for no apparent reason other than I know that there is no one to spoon should I feel the need. This is ironic, since I never took the opportunity to engage in my full share of spoonage whilst in an actual relationship. I guess we always want what we can't have. Or in my case flat-out refuse - "sorry can't, am busy reading/photoshopping/watching tv"

Work: am still at my mag place, content with the work. Am currently working on application for junior assistant to creative director at advertising firm. Must send CV and 'something creative'. Excited.

Dance: with T8F moving to Melbourne, am kind of stumped as to what the next move is. All I know is that I want to keep dancing, but I'm not sure if I can do it alone.

School: summer school. That's all I'm going to say.

Christmas and New Years was the best I've had - both in the quality of the event and the people I spent it with. Got the cutest and most amount of presents ever during Christmas, and this was with my FRIEND's family.

New Years at Gold Coast went above and beyond expectations - never had so much fun with all girls before. I think its because half were bitches, and the other half were my bitches. I fully recommend buying a pub crawl pass (we bought some from Plan B party evens) as they guarantee you'll be in clubs full of people, with free drinks to boot. And yes, I did get a new years kiss from Greece. Also met Lebanon. Had interesting conversations with Canada and Spain. International relations were tame, with no free trade agreements made.

Have pretty much bought a whole new wardrobe, which feels appropriate given my circumstances in all areas of life have changed. I feel like a snake shedding skin, in a vogue kind of way ofcourse.


1. Go after everything I want with everything I have. (how Capricorn of me)
2. Remember to mouthwash after brushing
3. Learn to drive

Phew, most I've ever written. Hope your break has been good, dear reader, and I will post soon.