Monday, May 31, 2010

Rainy Day Snack

You're cold, wet, miserable and alone. You've just handed in a big fuck-off assignment and you have a few more till you're through. Time to stuff the mandible.

Who: Ausa Quad Cafe
Where: ...The Quad


This big, greasy piece of fried chicken is just what you need. Wash it down with a 440ml limited edition coke can from quad vending machine (NOT COKE ZERO). Or cold tap water, if you're poor or extra guilty.

You need to have several paper napkins to soak up the excess oil, as well as keep the wrapper attached to the chicken at all times. Grease stains on clothing may indicate one's ability to self-nutrionalise, but rarely attract the opposite sex.

Grease test: paper bag containing chicken MUST be see-through before completion of chicken.
Don't let the workers short-change you. Choose the piece of chicken that's calling out your name. Own your fowl destiny.

Outta10: 7. For $3, this little heart-failure inducing snack is a gem.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010


Hello World!

I didn't know what on Earth could be interesting to write about, so I'm going to write about the things I love and the things I don't love (hate is such a strong word, as my PC friends say)

I think I will start with food (an obvious love). Whenever I think about people writing on food, my mind wanders to unbearably high-nose cuisine magazines. So.

I would like to share with you all my take on the food around me, from an average Y-generation, overdraft facilitated, scared-of-the-future point of view.

Let's start with my love-hate for the "cuisines" available at UOA, The University of Auckland. (New Zealand)

Who: Jewel of India (Indian takeaway)
Where: Main student quad, Level 2

Critique: As with most Indian food targeted toward European/non-Indian appetites, Jewel of India over-does the food colouring and under-does (can you believe I'm an English major) the flavour. I'm not sure if you knew this, but Butter Chicken is not supposed to be bright Umpa-Lumpa orange.

Take note: colour should be something like this

Not this.

The actual Chicken was also disappointing - charred in places, I felt like I was eating the flesh of a very old, very weary Chicken who'd had a hard life.

Lastly, drinkbottle-lip contact is strictly forbidden after this meal, as the after-taste is foul. Your stomach doesn't feel good after the meal, and you can't help feeling your ass isn't going to feel good either.

Outta10: 4 (Eat it for experience, don't eat it for enjoyment)

Till Next Time :3