What: Saturday just gone I ventured with my chummy Tegan to the Auckland Museum for their special exhibition 'Kai to Pie', something like a United Nations of food. i.e. more food, less American veto.
Which country: As you my o so clever people may have guessed, this week was Dutch food.
Not that I had any idea what that may have been, since we ahem missed out on the actual eating part of the exhibition. Tears.
However the exhibition itself was tasty, for the sense that is.
Highlights include a giant wall of paper plates
A fashion catwalk of food appliance...how vougel..

And some Dutch people

O and there were some dudes from the Korean Navy marching that day...strange but alluring in their uniforms.
Outta10: without food 6, with, who knows?
And some Dutch people
It's free for Aucklanders, on every next couple of Saturdays and a good way to "educate" your tongue.
O and there were some dudes from the Korean Navy marching that day...strange but alluring in their uniforms.
Outta10: without food 6, with, who knows?
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