Thursday, October 14, 2010
Finally! A cool and comprehensive men's style guide.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Upcoming NZ rap..fresh :D
Tommy Ill - 7/10. You half think he's joking, Ben Folds style. Robot singing is cute, catchy chorus. Best album cover I've seen in a while
Home Brew - 8/10/ Love the sample and the fresshh New Zealand accent. Weekdays will never be the same, with Monday and Underneath the shade being favourites

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Sometimes sad is more beautiful than happy... p.s. notice her half shaved head - this is was in 2008.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Gone for long!!!
I've been rehearsing for my show!
It was amazing, everyone was crying at the end because this is our last show as Triple8Funk company.
Until I started dancing I had no idea there was a dance shaped hold in my life, as it were.
Still bathing in the afterglow (and afterhangover) of it all...good thing we have collabo coming up!!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
TheLifeCritic on MTV?!?
Hello this is my video for pickmemtv, watch, laugh and vote!!, think im on like the 10th page at the moment haha
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Inspiring! Feel the bite of the travel bug
Imagine all the food ...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Delicious voedsel!
And some Dutch people
O and there were some dudes from the Korean Navy marching that day...strange but alluring in their uniforms.
Outta10: without food 6, with, who knows?
Widening thine horizon
Cue gasp.
I have an inkling you, my 3 blog followers all of whom I directly beseeched to follow my blog, would get bored.
So I'm gonna write about some other shit, after all this is the LIFE critic, not the food critic.
So some stuff to come (hopefully)
- cool stuff i see on the net e.g. pictures, videos
- some home made videos yay
- other tidbits of my life of which you will be totally interested.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
How not to make a toasted sandwhich, courtesy of Slurp Cafe
A good toastie is like a left lung - you don't really pay attention until its gone.
Thus I contemplated the culinary education of the person who made the disaster I was chewing. Notice - chewing, not eating.
What: Ham and pineapple toasted sandwich
Where: Slurp Cafe, level 0, Kate Edgar commons, UOA.
Ok, I get it, UOA is a 'business' now and thus is under regulation to squeeze every last penny from us. But does this policy have to extend to food as well?
When I ordered ham and pineapple, I did not for one second think they would include just that. Not a morsel of cheese to combine these two ingredients. Cheese is a given, like bread.
Ham - can't really remember. O that's right, because there was like, 1.45 pieces in the sandwich
Pineapple - another tradition that shouldn't be broken - pineapple should be in nice little digestible cubes. NOT A RING A LA CANNED WHOLE PINEAPPLE.
Bread - don't get me started. You know the shape that a toastie is supposed to resemble, edges tight, middle bread part puffing out with the filling almost bursting.
This? Looks (and tastes) like the chef used spit to glue the bread together, then fire-torched it for a couple of seconds.
Outta10: a dismal 2 if I ever saw one, I highly recommend it in place of metamucil.
Monday, August 2, 2010
The $4 Japan experience
What: Happy Bear
Where: Queen street, opposite the movies
What is it:
Courtesy of Wiki
Taiyaki (γγηΌγ, , literally "baked sea bream") is a Japanese fish-shaped cake.
For $4, you can have a drink (Hot chocolate in my case) and a fish-shaped waffle with (chocolate/custard/red bean/cheese) filling, hailing from 1909 Japan.
This is the real thing, complete with good service from a cute little lady who doesn't speak English.
Read: gesturing.
For a rainy day snack, whale-meat free, check it out. Let Happy Bear make you Happy.
Outta10: 7.5
Friday, July 2, 2010
What:Uni Sushi. Like my mammary glands, the sushi here at UOA is small, but perfectly formed.
Accompanied by miso soup (made from the powder unfortu, but still retains the 'im drinking something hot and exotic' factor for all you anglos)
I thought I would give everyone a run down of the less visited areas of Uni sushidom, becaues really, what the hell does that pumpkin one taste like?
...actually it tastes pretty damn good. Erase your eurocentric notions of this vegetable, because this is the pumpking of the 21st Century. Kinda tastes like some sort of pickled vegetable, except 10000 times better. Challenge your bland tastebuds people.

On a related note, the cream cheese is also surprisingly delicious. Combination of cheese and pineapple traditionally belongs on some fastfood item beginning with 'Hawaiian...' but wrapped up in seaweed is just as good.
Lastly, this is not for the faint hearted or those that don't like fish (they're in the sea, they can breathe in water, what's not to like) try the eel sushi. If you're skint do the $1 ones, otherwise splurge on the $2 big pieces. Salty, teriyaki goodness.
Outta10: defo a 8.5, can end up a little more expensive than some other options but filling and uh...healthy.
Tip: if you're getting more than 6 pieces, ask for extra soy. You won't regret it when your companion runs out and is forced to consume soy-less, and therefore soul-less sushi.
P.s. Gran Torino is damn good. "What are you going to put your tools in, a rice bag?" Never has blatant racist comments sounded so charming. Clint Eastwood is a Grandpa who likes to kiss you on the cheek, but also wouldn't mind shooting you in the face.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
You know what food I really don't like?
Where: Designated examination rooms located around UOA
Outta10: -12. Simply put, exams whether fried, blanched, boiled, simmered or baked, can kiss my ass
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Hey KF, whats up with my C
Am disappointed with the Hot and Spicy range at colonel Sander's, dinner for 2 did not even tickle my tastebud. Not a single bud was tickled.
Mayhaps there was some mistake in the secret mixing of the 11 original herbs and spices, like they forgot to add 10 of them.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
For all you coke zero lovers..
I for one loathe all products which do not contain the full amount of fat/carbs/calories as per the original.
"I can't believe it's not butter!" - That's because it's soy lecithin and vegetable mono/diglycerides, stupid.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Rainy Day Snack
Who: Ausa Quad Cafe
This big, greasy piece of fried chicken is just what you need. Wash it down with a 440ml limited edition coke can from quad vending machine (NOT COKE ZERO). Or cold tap water, if you're poor or extra guilty.
You need to have several paper napkins to soak up the excess oil, as well as keep the wrapper attached to the chicken at all times. Grease stains on clothing may indicate one's ability to self-nutrionalise, but rarely attract the opposite sex.
Grease test: paper bag containing chicken MUST be see-through before completion of chicken.
Outta10: 7. For $3, this little heart-failure inducing snack is a gem.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Who: Jewel of India (Indian takeaway)
Where: Main student quad, Level 2
Take note: colour should be something like this
Not this.
The actual Chicken was also disappointing - charred in places, I felt like I was eating the flesh of a very old, very weary Chicken who'd had a hard life.
Lastly, drinkbottle-lip contact is strictly forbidden after this meal, as the after-taste is foul. Your stomach doesn't feel good after the meal, and you can't help feeling your ass isn't going to feel good either.
Outta10: 4 (Eat it for experience, don't eat it for enjoyment)
Till Next Time :3